Healthcare for the space age

Medical interactions

There’s a lot that a doctor has to tell the patient. There’s a lot that a patient has to tell the doctor.

There’s a lot that family needs to be shared with and by the family.

But healthcare resources are limited

A preventive approach to increasing life expectancy

A leading cause of death, heart attacks can be prevented by tweaks in one’s lifestyle. All that is needed is effective communication.

Heaven can wait!

Patient education

Literacy and awareness are linked with longevity and better outcomes – adherent patients are the most successful in their recovery.

What everyone desires

Health journaling

Collect patient story, signs and history in advance and present summary to the doctor during consultation. Automate follow-ups between consultations

Reducing the doctors’ burden while listening to patients’ story

Your Best Health

Digital prescription pad –

Your best health AI –

Q&A for Medicos –

Doctor-patient network –

WhatsApp chatbot – +1 (954) 320-0940

Digital doctors

Ayushman Bhava


Reverse ageing?

Reverse ageing can be defined as an improvement in mental and physical health making the patient appear and feel healthier. How long do we humans need to wait before it becomes normal to talk about?

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